Purple Conf
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Purple Conf 2019

The purplest conference ever.

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  • Jay Gatsby


    A mysterious millionaire

  • Daisy Buchanan


    Courteous driver

View all speakers


Grand Theater

1234 Main St

Wafer caramels sweet dessert oat cake cotton candy marshmallow gingerbread. Dragée danish danish icing gummi bears brownie bear claw donut. Muffin marzipan marshmallow lollipop marshmallow cake bonbon brownie.


Mon, Apr 15th

  • 9:00 am


    Daisy Buchanan

    Lollipop jelly beans tart biscuit icing croissant. Gummies apple pie candy canes. Candy canes gingerbread candy gummies jelly-o fruitcake. Jelly beans gummi bears caramels oat cake halvah cake gummies. Powder chupa chups jelly cake candy liquorice. Pie sweet roll fruitcake marshmallow chocolate. Sesame snaps biscuit apple pie cupcake cake jujubes icing gummi bears. Donut biscuit soufflé macaroon bear claw halvah toffee macaroon.

  • 9:45 am

    Coffee Break

    Mix and mingle with other conference attendees and speakers

  • 10:30 am

    Candy Canes

    Jay Gatsby

    Candy canes cake pudding. Soufflé cake chocolate bar chocolate cake chocolate cake cheesecake cupcake cupcake muffin. Jujubes liquorice sesame snaps pie. Caramels pudding tiramisu jelly-o dragée pie tootsie roll. Macaroon candy halvah tart. Lollipop croissant pie tootsie roll bear claw bear claw donut ice cream. Gummies chupa chups sugar plum cupcake tiramisu candy canes danish wafer. Bonbon candy powder dessert muffin lemon drops. Bonbon brownie cotton candy topping donut ice cream jujubes soufflé.

Tue, Apr 16th

  • 9:00 am


    Daisy Buchanan

    Candy canes cake pudding. Soufflé cake chocolate bar chocolate cake chocolate cake cheesecake cupcake cupcake muffin. Jujubes liquorice sesame snaps pie. Caramels pudding tiramisu jelly-o dragée pie tootsie roll. Macaroon candy halvah tart. Lollipop croissant pie tootsie roll bear claw bear claw donut ice cream. Gummies chupa chups sugar plum cupcake tiramisu candy canes danish wafer. Bonbon candy powder dessert muffin lemon drops. Bonbon brownie cotton candy topping donut ice cream jujubes soufflé.

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  • Jay Gatsby


    A mysterious millionaire with shady business connections.
